Access from Shinjuku station to Tokyo station. Recommended directions


Here are some recommended directions from Shinjuku Station to Tokyo Station.

This is the recommended transfer.

The shortest and cheapest way from Shinjuku Station to Tokyo Station is by JR Chuo Line.
In particular, if you plan to travel on the Shinkansen and have already purchased a Shinkansen limited express ticket and a ticket, Tokyo Station will be free from Shinjuku Station.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the JR Chuo Line route.

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How to get by train

How to go using the JR Chuo Line

Shinjuku Station is from Line 1 to Line 16.
Lines 7 and 8 are the homes for the Tokyo rapid train.

Although the 11th and 12th lines are also Chuo Line platforms, please be aware that they are the opposite of Tokyo Station.
How to go using the Chuo Line
  • Shinjuku Station


    Please Take the train for Tokyo.

  • Tokyo Station


    4 stations 15 minutes ride, the fare is 200 yen.

How to use Marunouchi Line

For your reference, we will also introduce the route on the Marunouchi Line.
The Marunouchi Line can also be reached to Tokyo Station without changing trains, but it takes longer than the JR Chuo Line, and it takes a lot of walking time when transferring.

There is a Marunouchi Line in the direction of Shinjuku Station East Exit.
From No. 2 platform at Marunouchi Line Shinjuku Station.
Get on the Ikebukuro line.

99% are in Ikebukuro. Other destinations are fine.
How to go using the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line
  • Shinjuku Station


    Please Take the train for Ikebukuro.

  • Tokyo Station


    9 stations 20 minutes ride to Tokyo station. Fare 200 yen

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JR Chuo Line is recommended when going from Shinjuku Station to Tokyo Station.

However, if the JR Chuo Line is set off for driving, it is better to use it properly, such as using the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line.