Recommended route from Narita Airport to Tokyo Station.


Tokyo Station, the center of Tokyo and the base for transportation, is a route used by many foreigners visiting Japan.

Here are some recommended routes from Narita Airport to Tokyo Station.

The recommended route is here.

The route from Narita Airport to Tokyo Station is recommended by train, but there are many buses in the direction of Tokyo / Ginza and there are cheap buses.
I will also introduce them.

For Narita Express only
・ Time required: 59 minutes
・ Fare ¥ 2,870

Transfer to JR line via Nippori Station at Keisei Skyliner
・ Time required: 59 minutes
・ Fare ¥ 2,680

The difference between Keisei Skyliner and Narita Express can only be considered as a charge. The cost is via Keisei Skyliner, but Narita Express is recommended if you need to make the connection.

However, if you are heading directly from Narita Airport to Tokyo / Ginza, there is a cheap bus.
You can get on this bus for only 1000 yen each way. It is less than half the train fee. If you have enough time, we strongly recommend you move the bus.

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How to go by train

Traveling with Narita Express only

Narita Express can be boarded from either Narita Airport Station or Airport Terminal 2 Station.

Traveling with narita express only
  • Narita Airport Station or Airport second building station

    Airport second building stationorNarita Airport Station

    At Narita Airport Terminal 2 and Terminal 3, get on at the airport second building station.

    Please get on at Narita Airport Terminal 1 at Narita Airport Station.

  • Tokyo Station.

    Tokyo station

    By using Narita Express
    Boarding time: 59 minutes
    Fare: 2,870 yen (Includes limited express 1,530 yen)

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Via Nippori Station

If you want to go directly to JR Tokyo Station, we recommend this route.

How to go Via Nippori Station
  • Narita Airport Station or Airport second building station

    KS41 Airport second building station or

    KS42 Narita Airport Station

    At Narita Airport Terminal 2 and Terminal 3, get on at the airport second building station.

    Please get on at Narita Airport Terminal 1 at Narita Airport Station.

  • Nippori Station

    KS02 to JY07

    By using Keisei Limited Express Skyliner
    Boarding time: 39 minutes
    Fare: 2,520 yen (Includes limited express 1,250 yen)

  • Tokyo Station


    From Nippori Station to Tokyo Station, it takes 5 stations and 13 minutes. The cost is 160 yen.

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How to go by bus

I will explain the cheap bus introduced at the beginning.

The cheap bus introduced at the beginning is the “THE Access Narita” bus.

東京・銀座~成田空港 ラクラク安心1,000円高速バス THEアクセス成田
Between Narita Airport and Tokyo station,Ginza station 1,000JPY for one way transfer (Kids half priced) with toilet,spacious reclining seat,plasma cluster!

When boarding from Narita Airport, there is no advance reservation for tickets and you can board directly at the bus stop. Fares are settled in the bus (cash, IC card, coupon).

Please note that credit cards are not accepted.
In addition, buses after 23:00 will be charged at midnight and will cost 2000 yen each way.
Still, it is cheaper than the train.