Access from Ueno station to Haneda airport. Recommended directions


From Ueno Station to Haneda Airport how to go, we will thoroughly investigate all the directions and introduce the recommended directions.

How to get from Ueno Station to Haneda Airport

Directions by train
Directions by bus
How to get by taxi
There are more than three ways.

How to go by train

As a way to use the train,
From Ueno Station, take Yamanote Line to Hamamatsucho Station, then there is a way to get to Haneda Airport by monorail.

Take Yamanote Line or Keihin Tohoku Line

Take the Ueno Station from the 3rd and 4th lines.
Take Line 3 for Yamanote Line and go “Tokyo / Shinagawa direction” train.

If it is the 4th line, please get on the train of “Yokohama, Ofuna direction” of Keihin Tohoku Line.

How to go to Yamanote or Keihintohoku line
  • Ueno Station

    JY05 or JK30

    7 minutes 13 minutes ride to Hamamatsucho.
    The fare is 170 yen.

  • Hamamatsucho station

    JY28 or JK23 to  MO01

    It is airport express, section rapid, ordinary in order of early.
    If the airport is fast, it takes 13 to 15 minutes to Haneda Airport 1st Building and 18 minutes to Haneda Airport 2nd Building.
    The fare is 490 yen.

  • Haneda Airport International Line Building Station


Directions by bus

There is no direct bus from Ueno Station to Haneda Airport.

Take a train towards Tokyo and get off at Akihabara Station, the second station, and there is a direct bus to Haneda Airport.

How to get by taxi

To Haneda International Flight Building,
It takes about 30 to 40 minutes, and ¥ 9,340 to ¥ 9,710.

Although all high-speed charges are included, boarding times and charges are only estimates.


The recommended way from Ueno Station to Haneda Airport is by train.

I can read the time correctly and I can definitely go.
Furthermore, since there is only one transfer, you can go the most smoothly if you do not get lost even in Hamamatsucho.

Travel time from Ueno Station to Haneda Airport is:

JR Ueno Station-JR Hamamatsucho Station 13 minutes
Transfer to monorail 10 minutes
20 minutes on the monorail,
43 minutes in total.

As it is the time without the waiting time of the train without being confused by the transfer, let’s watch for more than 1 hour.
Especially for the nearest airport lobby, add about 10 minutes.