Access from Haneda Airport to Kanda station. Recommended directions


In addition to thoroughly examining all directions on how to go from Haneda airport to Kanda station, we will introduce suggested directions.

There are 2 ways to get to Kanda station from Haneda Airport.

  • Train
  • Taxi

Below, I will explain details by each transportation method.

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Directions by train

How to go using a Tokyo Monorail

It is a way to go from Hamamatsucho Station by Monorail from Haneda Airport, then go to Yamanote line to Kanda Station.


How to go using a Tokyo monorail
  • Haneda Airport International Line Building Station


    Please get on the train at Haneda Airport International Line Building Station

  • Hamamatsucho Station

     MO01 to  JY28

    When you arrive at Monorail Hamamatsucho Station, take a train bound for JR Yamanote line Tokyo / Ueno direction at JR Hamamatsucho Station.
    It is possible to go to Kanda station even at JR Keihin Tohoku Line.

  • Kanda Station


How to go using Keihin Kyuko

It is a way to go from Haneda airport to Keihin Kyuko(Keikyu) at Shinagawa Station and then go to Yamanote line to Kanda station.


How to go using Keihin Kyuko
  • Haneda International Terminal Station


    Take the train at Keikyu Haneda International Terminal Station.

  • Shinagawa Station

     KK01to  JY25

    From Keikyu Shinagawa station at JR Shinagawa station, transfer to JR Yamanote line Tokyo / Ueno direction. It is possible to go to Kanda station even at JR Keihin Tohoku Line.

  • Kanda Station


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Taxi directions

From Haneda Airport to Kanda station,
Price is about 6,200 yen (including high-speed fee)
The boarding time is 40 to 50 minutes.

Both time and price fluctuate due to traffic congestion.
There is a service called “Haneda airport fixed taxi” as a method to solve it.

Recommended directions

From Haneda Airport Arrival Terminal to Kanda Station,
Travel time and fare by train
Using monorail
35 minutes – 40 minutes Fare 650 yen

Keihin Kyoku Line Use
45 minutes – 50 minutes Fare 580 yen

Although it is cheaper through Keihin Kyuko,
Monorail is overwhelmingly more in number.

Therefore, we recommend using Monorail over 70 yen difference.