Access to Shibuya station from Haneda airport. Recommended directions


Here are the best routes from Haneda Airport to Shibuya.

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Recommended route is here

The required time / fare to Shibuya is

■ When using monorail
Time required 45 minutes, fare 690 yen

■ When using Keihin Express(Keikyu Line)
Travel time 38 minutes, fare 580 yen

If you use the train, it is recommended that you change to Shinagawa Station on the Keikyu Line.

Limousine buses are convenient for carrying your luggage. Limousine buses are recommended for those who have plenty of time even when there is traffic or who can afford to spend a little.

Then, we will guide you about each transfer below.

How to get by train

How to get from Haneda Airport by train

  • How to use the monorail
  • How to go using Keihin Express

It becomes the above two.

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How to go using the monorail

From Haneda Airport, take the monorail to Hamamatsucho Station.

How to go using a Tokyo monorail
  • Haneda Airport International Line Building Station


    Please get on the train at Haneda Airport International Line Building Station

  • Hamamatsucho Station

     MO01to  JY28

    Transfer to JR from Hamamatsucho Station.

    Please get on the Yamanote Line from No. 3 platform to “Shinagawa / Shibuya / Shinjuku”.
    7 stations 19 minutes ride to Shibuya station.

  • shibuya Station


How to go using Keihin Express

Keihin Express is available from Haneda Airport.

How to go using Keihin Kyuko
  • Haneda International Terminal Station


    Take the train at Keikyu Haneda International Terminal Station.

  • Shinagawa Station

     KK01to  JY25

    At Shinagawa Station, please take the Yamanote Line from “No. 2 Platform” to “Shibuya / Shinjuku”.
    Arrive at Shibuya Station for 5 minutes and 13 minutes.

  • Shibuya Station


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Directions by bus

Three buses from Limousine, Tokyu, and Keikyu Express are available from Haneda Airport to the following locations in Shibuya.

  • Shibuya Excel Hotel Tokyu
  • Shibuya Station West Exit
  • Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel

How to get on the bus

There are “Limousine Bus Ticket Counters” in both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2, located on the left and right sides near the central exit just outside the lobby on the 1st floor.

So please purchase a ticket beforehand.
Please get on at Terminal 14 for both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.
The required time to Shibuya is about 30 to 70 minutes.
There are considerable fluctuations due to traffic jams.

The fare is 1,030 yen one way, but the midnight and early morning fare is 2,060 yen.

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