How to get to Harajuku station (Meiji Jingumae station) from Shinjuku station. Recommended directions


Here are some recommended ways to move from Shinjuku Station to Harajuku Station.

What is the recommended way to move?

For the way from Shinjuku to Shibuya, the shortest and cheapest JR Yamanote Line is recommended.
With this, the chance of getting lost is quite low.

The following explains the details of each move method.

Directions by train

How to go using Yamanote Line

As JR Shinjuku Station enters the West Exit ticket gate and West Exit Central ticket gate, there is a 16th home immediately.
And as you walk to the east exit ticket, the numbers will be smaller.

When heading for Shibuya, let’s go to the 14th home.
Harajuku, Shibuya, and Shinagawa are displayed on the bulletin board.
As train of green line comes in, we take the train. (This is the Yamanote line inner circumference)

How to go to Yamanote line
  • Shinjuku Station


    It is Harajuku Station in 2 station 4 minutes ride (fare 140 yen).
    Trains come every 3 to 5 minutes.

  • Harajuku station


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How to go using the Fukutoshin Line

A 10-minute walk from JR Shinjuku Station is the Fukutoshin Line Shinjuku 3-Chome Station.

How to go to Fukutoshin line
  • Shinjuku 3-Chome Station


    It is Meiji-Jingumae Station in 2 stations 4 minutes ride (fare 170 yen).

  • Meiji-Jingumae station


How to get by taxi

The fare is significantly different depending on where you are at Shinjuku Station.
It is recommended that you take the Shinjuku Station from the south exit if possible.

It takes about 15 minutes from Shinjuku South Exit to Harajuku Station.
The fee is around 1,220 yen to 1,450 yen.

Due to traffic congestion, the travel time and fare may change significantly.