

Access from Haneda Airport to Sky Tree (Oshiage Station). Recommended directions

Even if you want to go to Tokyo Sky Tree after arriving at Haneda Airport, the route is a little complicated. For those...

Access to Shibuya station from Haneda airport. Recommended directions

Here are the best routes from Haneda Airport to Shibuya. Recommended route is here The required time / fare to Shi...
Events in Tokyo

Let’s go to the “Tori no Ichi” in Tokyo in 2019! Summary of popular spots.

Do you know that the festival “Tori no Ichi” is held at many shrines in Tokyo? Many rakes are sold as lucky charms in th...

Let’s go to the “Tori no Ichi” of Asakusa “Ootori Shrine”!

“Tori no Ichi” is a festival that prays for prosperous business. Introducing how to buy rakes and the charms in Sakai Ci...
Events in Tokyo

Tokyo Halloween Event Special 2019

One of the events that has become established in Japan is Halloween. Although it is a traditional event in Europe and t...
Events in Tokyo

Tokyo Motor Show 2019 Summary of the latest information

Tokyo Motor Show 2019 will be held at Tokyo Big Sight. New cars, access information, parking lots, holding dates, ticket...

Access to Ueno station and Ueno Park from Shinjuku station. Recommended directions

The recommended way is to use the train(JR). The reason is that JR is easier to go to each Ueno landmark. In other w...

Access to Odaiba from Shinjuku station. Recommended directions

We will thoroughly investigate all ways to get to the Odaiba area from Shinjuku Station and introduce recommended direct...
Onsen and Spa

A natural hot spring spa in Tokyo? 5 hot springs and spas in Tokyo

I want to take a break after sightseeing in Tokyo. How about resetting a tired body at a hot spring or spa? Even if y...

Recommended to stay at Tokyo Station · Nihonbashi · Kanda neighborhood cheap hotels 7 hotels

If you want to stay at cheap prices in Tokyo, you can choose a capsule hotel, but there are many people who want to stay...