

Access from Shinjuku station to Asakusa. Recommended directions.

Recently Asakusa is popular not only for domestic tourists but also for foreigners every day. Although it is such Asaku...

Access from Shinjuku station to Tokyo Skytree. Recommended directions

Tokyo's sub-central Tokyo Shinjuku station also has six routes, including JR. From Shinjuku to Tokyo Sky Tree there are...

Access from Haneda Airport to Hamamatsucho. Recommended directions

Hamamatsucho Station is an important station that serves as a starting point for going to various places from Haneda air...

Access from Haneda Airport to Asakusa. Recommended directions

Asakusa is a worldwide tourist destination. So, I will show you how to go from Haneda Airport to recommended directions...
Shrines and temples

“Tori no Ichi” of Shinjuku Hanazono Shrine, What is the festival to go in the autumn of 2018?

Do you know that a festival called "Tori no Ichi" annually is held at the Hanazono Shrine in the big city / Shinjuku? I ...

Access from Shinjuku station to Shibuya station. Recommended directions

Directions from Shinjuku station to Shibuya station are sometimes relatively close, and there are three ways of travelin...

There are two stations at Narita Airport. Which way do you get off by?

This time we will introduce about Narita Airport station. Since welcome 2 tokyo provides information on Tokyo, it is un...

Access from Shinjuku Station to Narita Airport. Recommended directions

What kind of directions are there from Shinjuku Station to Narita Airport? I will introduce it in detail. There are ...

Access from Haneda Airport to Kanda station. Recommended directions

In addition to thoroughly examining all directions on how to go from Haneda airport to Kanda station, we will introduce ...

Recommended directions from Shinjuku station to Haneda airport

How to get to Haneda Airport from Shinjuku Station Directions by train How to get by limousine bus Taxi direc...