Recommended route from Narita Airport to Shinjuku Station.


The recommended route is here.

The time required and fare by access from Narita Airport to Shinjuku Station are as follows. (Time required is only a guide)

Use Narita Express
・ Time required: 77 minutes
・ Fare ¥ 3,190

Transfer to JR line via Nippori Station at Keisei Skyliner
・ Time required: 70 minutes
・ Fare ¥ 2,670

By express bus
・ Time required: 85 to 145 minutes
・ Fare ¥ 3,100

Keisei Skyliner is recommended for both required time and fares.
If you are uneasy about transferring, Narita Express is recommended.

The details of using Keisei Skyliner and Narita Express will be introduced below.

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How to go by train

How to go with Keisei Skyliner

When using the Keisei Skyliner, it is necessary to change trains at Nippori station.

How to go with Keisei Skyliner
  • Narita Airport Station or Airport second building station

    KS41 Airport second building station or

    KS42 Narita Airport Station

    At Narita Airport Terminal 2 and Terminal 3, get on at the airport second building station.

    Please get on at Narita Airport Terminal 1 at Narita Airport Station.

  • Nippori Station

    KS02 to JY07

    By using Keisei Skyliner Narita Airport
    Boarding time: 39 minutes
    Fare: 2,470 yen (Includes limited express 1,230 yen)

  • Shinjuku Station


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How to go with Narita Express

If you are traveling to Shinjuku Station, you can go to Narita Express without changing trains.

How to go with Narita Express
  • Narita Airport Station or Airport second building station

    JO36 Airport second building station or 

    JO37 Narita Airport Station

    Boarding time: 77 minutes
    Fare: 3,190 yen (Includes limited express charge 1,700 yen)

    At Narita Airport Terminal 2 and Terminal 3, get on at the airport second building station.

    Please get on at Narita Airport Terminal 1 at Narita Airport Station.

  • Shinjuku Station


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